Discovery Process System Seminar

If You are a consultant and you are anywhere from unhappy to downright miserable and jealous that you are not making the money you know you deserve, pay close attention. 

How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Clients!

7-figure consultant reveals his insider secrets and strategies for finding your IDEAL clients…

…and making 10x’s more money while working with only a handful of clients!

What I’m about to reveal to you is NOT for most people in the consulting business.
In fact, my experience shows it’s probably only right for about 5%.
Maybe less.
BUT… if you’re one of those elite 5%, your life is about to change… in a VERY dramatic way.
If you’re JEALOUS that some people seem to have it so easy
  • They seem to always have big deals in the pipeline
  • They seem to be able to close mid and high 6 figure deals.
  • Posting on Facebook groups fishing for clients while everyone is talking about the same two or three guys that make these ridiculous videos while you sit there and think: ” Why don’t they talk about me and how awesome I am?” 
  • Are you frustrated that the bank account is not moving in the right direction or fast enough. You might be able to keep the lights on but certainly you are not making the money you know you should be. 
  • Tired of acting like a needy consultant (which people hate and are repulsed by and who do not buy from or believe) more on this in a minute.
Yes, this message is THAT important and requires your immediate and undivided attention.
Because what I’m about to reveal to you is…

The MISSING LINK That Can Give You EVERYTHING You Ever Wanted Out Of Your Consulting Practice!

RULE NUMBER ONE in ANY Negotiation: You Gotta be able to say “No”
If you can’t walk away from the negotiating table you are not negotiating. 
You are begging.
 The way you can say “no” is to have a big pile of “Fuck You” money. 
It is that simple.
And how you do this is by having a radical mind shift.
That being said, I meant it when I said that THIS is only for 5% of consultants or less. 
If you have been in the entrepreneurial environment for some time and you understand the value of investing in your knowledge and you care about your clients, chances are that you are one of those. 
But if you bought a couple of programs from like the “warrior’s Forum” and are trying to set up people’s websites for $300 this is not for you. 
But if you know what you are doing, but something just hasn’t clicked for you yet, you understand the value of time and of all the trainings and investments you have done in yourself and you don’t know why other people just don’t seem to have figured that out and it has not paid off in the huge way that you expected. 
 Stay with me. 
I am not going to show you how to do what you already do a little better. 
This is something completely new. It is a mindset, it is a process, it is a completely different paradigm. 
It has to be right? If it wasn’t then you couldn’t stand out and command the type of money that you are looking for.
This is no mini course or loose PDF files. This is not a “quick and easy way to….” it is also not a copy and paste process. 
But it IS the breakthrough that you have been looking for, I guarantee it. 
This is not a slightly different version, not even a much better version of what you are already doing.
Are you ready for a completely different pathway than what everyone else out there is doing?
Now, tell me the truth.
It HAS to totally gnaw at your soul that you KNOW so much more about Sales and Marketing than all of the other Jerks who are getting all the attention, traction and action in your market place right?
While you are fishing on Facebook groups and forums, posting, sending out mail and even if you DO get a gig or two they don’t really come for your soul, heck they might not even appreciate the FREE advice they get that you KNOW you should be charging them for! 
You know YOU PAID for it! You knew it was valuable and that you needed to acquire it. Yet here you are giving it away for free so you can convince someone that you know what you are talking about.
Your prospects don’t come to you begging to do business with you, they don’t say: ” I don’t know if I can afford you, but I am gathering up some credit cards and perhaps sell some blood on Tuesday to scrape enough money to pay you because I know YOU are the one I need!”
You know there ARE some people in that position right? 
It has to piss you off it is not you because you and I both know you deserve it.
You deserve to be the guy in that position. 
You deserve to be the guy that when someone thinks: “oh, who should I turn to to solve this problem?” 
It should be YOU the top name in that list. 
That when your clients get asked “Who is doing ‘that’ for you?” They say: “Well, I don’t like talking about it because he is my secret weapon, I don’t want him to get too busy because then he will not have time for me. But it is… [Your Name Should be here]”
You want your clients to be afraid of losing you and your brilliant mind. 
It is like having a really good baby sitter, you don’t want anyone to know because then she will get too busy to take care of your most precious possession! Your Kids! 
You deserve to be THAT guy. 
You deserve it because You have invested and keep investing in your education but somehow you have not put all the pieces together to figure out the most important part which is being in THAT position. 
Where people talk about you in hush tones. As if only knowing your name or how to contact you gives anyone an edge. 
While people just hope that your fee is not going to be a stretch too far outside of their budget to afford you because they already know and decided you are the one they need.
So what is that missing piece? what is that last number that unlocks the lock?
What really is the difference between you and the idiots that are getting all of the attention?  
Maybe you even have advanced degrees and have done all these things..
How is it that a guy like me who doesn’t have a college degree, my high school went broke between my Junior and Senior Year (I never finished high school either) is going to tell you how to make all this money like never before?
How is it that a guy with no CV  but is a guy who has patents, has become a millionaire, has made millions and lost millions and has consulted to Fortune 50 companies. 
How the hell did that happen? How does that fit?
This isn’t some academic high ground place, this is street smarts and concrete jungle skills where I am going to teach you not only how to make the money but also make sure you don’t lose it. 
Because it comes down to this: 
You can go and take some Martial Arts Classes and believe (or delude) yourself that you can fight. But if you actually were to take what you learn in a “classroom” setting out in the street… 
And God forbid you meet a guy who has been in prison and who knows how people actually fight in the street you are going to get killed. 
Do not be that guy that ends up in a ditch. 
Now, this all sounds very dramatic but trust me, I know what the jungle really is like.   
I’m definitely not your run-of-the-mill consultant.
At age 17 I dropped out of high school, moved to Las Vegas, and began a career as a professional gambler, counting cards and playing poker.
In only a few short months in that profession, I got more real world, street level, “in the trenches” experience in human psychology, sales and persuasion than most people get in an entire lifetime.
I felt like I showed up at the beginners swimming class and got thrown into the deep end of the pool.
And it was filled with sharks, barracudas, and piranhas.
You see, to make it in that business you have to figure out how to “read” people in only a split second. Then you must immediately know the exact things to do and the exact words to say in order to get the upper hand.
This was a skillset I had to master, and master FAST… or I wouldn’t survive.
And when I say “survive”, I don’t mean survive in the profession. I mean survive literally. (Several of my colleagues who weren’t fast studies like me didn’t.)
One day, after about four years in that line of work, I was sitting in a restaurant booth with a couple of my gambling buddies. Two of them were arguing about something.
The conversation went something like this:
“Yes you will.”
“No I won’t.”
“Yes you will.”
“No I won’t.”
Out came a 9mm. And the one guy planted the barrel on the other guy’s skull.

“Yes, you WILL!”

It was right then and there that I had an immediate paradigm shift about my career choice. After four years of dealing with people I can only describe as the “underbelly of society”…
…and barely escaping all kinds of potentially lethal mayhem by the skin of my teeth…
… I had the feeling that my luck was about to run out.
I knew that if I didn’t exit that business post-haste, my skinny little carcass was gonna wind up buried head-first in a ditch
somewhere. (Unfortunately, that was how a few of my cohorts disappeared from that business.)
So on a sunny Tuesday afternoon, with no fanfare and no prior announcement, I walked away from the seedy world of gambling forever.
Armed only with the sales and persuasion skills I learned from surviving the sordid world of gangsters, hustlers and “collection professionals”… I walked into the world of corporate sales and defense contracts.
It turned out my on-the-job experience from my gambling days came in mighty handy when negotiating with anal-retentive engineers, purchasing agents and legal beagles. 
At least no one was carrying a gun!
Long story short:
In no time at all, I surpassed all of the high performers in that high tech world.
Wanting the freedom of running my own show, I leveraged those skills into starting my own consulting business. And I became a very high earning consultant.
In fact, I’ve done that consistently, year after year for 33 years. While almost all of the other consultants I know are struggling and begging for work, hat in hand… accepting contracts that treat them like slaves and barely put food on the table.
Sadly, that’s the norm for most consultants.
That’s why I’ve finally decided to reveal the proven system I’ve developed. A system that has built a consulting practice for me (and a handful of others I’ve shared it with) that earns in the top 2% of all consulting practices.
I’ll share more about that in just a minute.
First, let me tell you what I see as the biggest mistakes most consultants make. Mistakes that lock you into a never-ending spiral of only getting a tiny fraction of the fees you could be earning.
Without a doubt, this is one of the biggest mistakes:
Most consultants GREATLY undervalue what they bring to the table.
They’re still stuck in the time for dollars mindset. In other words, they think because they charge x per hour (whatever “x” is) that’s the value of their service. Instead of thinking of the potential return on investment they can produce for their clients and valuing their service that way.
That’s mistake #1. And until we can correct that, your business will always be a struggle. You’ll always be stuck working like a dog (and treated like one, too)… working way too many hours for way too little pay.
Which brings me to mistake #2:
Even if they do understand the value of their services, almost all consultants continually sabotage themselves by doing things that make their prospects and clients undervalue them.
Perhaps “undervalue” doesn’t adequately describe the situation you’ve probably placed yourself in.
Instead of positioning yourself as an indispensable trusted advisor bringing enormous value to the client and producing exponential returns on investment… most consultants make themselves look like those pesky traveling salesmen that used to peddle snake oil from town to town.
You see, there are a lot of “fancy pants” consultants out there with books and courses, but if you try to take those “classroom” skills out in the real world and you are trying to close a 6 or 7 figure deal you are going to get killed before you can say  “I am a consultant” 
You see, it is not getting all pumped up in a seminar and saying: “I am going to go out there and hunt elephants” 
Because if you go out to hunt elephants and you take the wrong ammunition you are going to get killed, you are going to piss off the elephant and get trampled on. 
And even if you think 7 figure deals are outside your comfort zone, don’t you think it would be useful to learn from the big game hunter who actually lives and works in the jungle?
There is no one out there, no one that has a triple Phd in reading people from just sitting down and talking to people and how they carry themselves. 
No one out there has 7 patents in the Defense Industry Space, no one out there who has closed multi million dollar deals that continue to bring in money even decades later. 
There is no one out there that can teach you this kind of stuff.
Learning how to position yourself and the structure to close 7 figure deals even if you feel it might be outside your range, will make closing 6 or 5 figure deals like shooting fish in a barrel. 
Let me also add this little piece here… 
I also know that what probably makes you even more frustrated is the fact that you are so close to cracking this code. If you found your way to my site and read this far you are probably not your average consultant. 
You probably have mastered 6 out the 7 things that you need at this point. 
Part of the problem I have teaching this to just anyone is that most ( like I said something like 95%) don’t really have the skills and knowledge necessary and if they land a big deal they wont be able to help their clients and will burn people. 
If you are the right person for this, you will not only have acquired the expertise and knowledge but also your moral compass points to true north (which is what a lot of people don’t have) and can actually help those clients that you close big deals on. 
You are so close to breaking through, to get to that next level and get that “fuck you” money and be on everyone’s list… you are really that close…
A line from  the movie brave heart: 
“Fight and you may die, run and you’ll live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but the’ll never take our freedom!”
You are so close to that freedom, but you either are in that room when the door is open and I start sharing my secrets or you are not. There is no in between, you are on board or you are not. 
I am sure you know that the worst thing in life is to have regrets, I am telling you right now, this massive opportunity to not have regrets on this, I am spelling this out for you so if it happens then you know that you were made aware ahead of time. 
If you are even considering this, know that even if it is a stretch you should avail yourself of every opportunity. What you don’t want is to have a nagging feeling of “what if?” “What could have been if I just taken a chance, taken a chance on myself?” 
You and I both know that you ARE going to have to find SOMEONE that actually know what they are talking about!  
Someone who has actually done it, not once by accident or twice. But someone that is actually doing it! 
Because you see, the information business… is not really my business. Doing DEALS is my business, I am only sharing this to an exclusive groups of a few in a small live setting. 
What keeps most consultants broke, frustrated and forever stuck on the hamster wheel of constantly chasing more and more clients… making less and less money, no matter how many hours they work… is just four little words…

“Send me a proposal…”

And just like that, most respond immediately, like Pavlov’s dog… and do things that GREATLY degrade their perceived value in the eyes of the client. And get them lumped into the same category as all the other annoying salesmen pounding on the client’s door every day; pitching office supplies, advertising, coffee service, ad nauseam.
Every single year, in response to “send me a proposal”, consultants give away millions, if not HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollar’s worth of free consulting.
Those poor deluded (and broke) fools.
What is “FREE” worth?
That’s a HUGE mistake. And it’s costing you a fortune… literally.
So why do most consultants continue to do it?
They do it with the erroneous notion that by giving away free advice, they’re showing their value, building rapport with the prospect and they’ll have a much higher chance of getting the job.
I’ve got news for you…
You couldn’t possibly be more mistaken.
Instead, by giving away all free consulting, what you’ve effectively done is this:
First, you’ve drastically discounted your value in your prospect or client’s eyes.
Think about it…
How much does anybody value FREE advice?
Take a simple test, name one, just one piece of free advice that you heard, digested, and acted upon…
Times up, no one, no one really pays more than kind words and lip service to FREE advice.
Oh sure, they’ll act like they value your free consulting. In fact, you’ll usually hear things like…
“That makes a lot of sense. We’re really on the same page. I like what you have to say. Now write up a proposal for me and we’ll get back to you.”
How many times have you heard that?
And what usually happens at that point?
That’s my second point.
You’ve now put yourself in a position where your prospective client thinks, “Hey, if I can keep stringing this guy along, he’ll write a free proposal for me that I can shop to the market. That way I can get some other guys to do it cheaper.”
So not only do you wind up working for free, you educate your prospective client for free. Then your prospect uses what you so willingly gave away to get one of your competitors to do the job for less money.
After working on this project for days, weeks, or god forbid, MONTHS… you’ve got NOTHING to show for all your effort.
How does it make you feel to get played for a sucker? A mark in the gambling world?
Do you like working for free and not having your hard work valued and appreciated?
How does it feel knowing you just left a ton of money on the table? Money that some other dude is now going to get. Money that could have been… and SHOULD have been yours.
Do you hear things from your prospects like, “Of course I respect you and your ideas. We’re going to call you later.” While they secretly snicker behind your back because they got you to give away all your best stuff for free.
And now you’re left fighting for the scraps thrown off the table… when you COULD have been gorging on an abundant feast!
Instead of fixing the problem and changing their process, most consultants appease themselves by chalking it up to, “…that’s just how the consulting business works. You win some, you lose some” or “its a numbers game!” 
Why don’t you play the lottery instead? That’s a numbers game too..
Based on my 33 year’s experience, I’m here to tell you that’s definitely NOT how your consulting business should work. That is, if you truly desire to make the…

MAXIMUM Possible Fees!

Most consultants believe that the solution to this problem is more clients.
Well, after 33 year’s experience in this business, I’m here to tell you that you couldn’t be more wrong.
You DON’T need more clients. You need a client management system to sift and sort and find the BEST clients…
…the ones who will love you, never get rid of you and will pay you the highest fees. Higher than 99% of all the other consultants following the flawed “free proposal” system.
If you did, for example, get three times more clients, you’d simply screw things up 3x’s faster.
You’d burn through them 3x’s faster, you’d make a mere pittance of what you COULD have made… and your reputation would get run through the mud 3x’s faster.
At this point, the only thing getting more clients will do for you is expose your incompetence in this business exponentially faster, UNLESS you change the system you use to get, work with and KEEP clients.
Allow me to show you a different reality.
MY reality.
One where you NEVER work for free, you’re valued as a trusted advisor and you’re paid up to 10x’s more than all the other “hat in hand/free proposal” consultants.
It’s the system I’ve developed and have been using successfully for the past 20 years to regularly bill more fees than 99% of all other working consultants.
With MY system, you become…

The “Go To” Guy!

In other words, you OWN that position in the market for whatever it is you do.
No matter your deficiencies… your idiosyncrasies… your eccentricities… no matter how much your clients may dislike you… they won’t be able to get rid of you. Because (in their mind, at least) it’s IMPOSSIBLE to find anybody else that does it as well as you.
This is the secret that all the highest earning consultants use to keep a roster of wealthy clients who keep coming back, time and time again, regardless of price.
If you want to beat the system… that screwed up system that has trained you to believe “the customer is always right” and you have to do free consultations and free proposals… THIS is how you do it.
So no, you don’t need more clientsYou need a handful of GREAT clients.

And That Will Give You EVERYTHING
You Want From Your Consulting Practice!

When I first implemented this system into my consulting practice, my life changed in a dramatic way. I went from working night and day for peanuts… never seeing my wife and family… always feeling stressed, waking up in the middle of the night worried about money…
…to my life now:
I work when I want and, more importantly, with whom I want. I take off more time in a year than most people do, while billing more in fees each year than 96% of all other individual consulting practices.
After 33 successful years using my unique and proprietary system… and enjoying an income and lifestyle most consultants can only dream about… I’ve finally arrived at a point in my life where I’m ready to share this life changing system with a handful of people.
In the past, I’ve only taught my system to several special clients. And it took me years to do it with each one.
Now, for the first time ever, I’ve been able to distill my process to revealing it all to you in only three intense days.
I’m holding this three-day meeting this October  in a top flight Las Vegas strip resort.
But this isn’t like any of the typical two-day seminars you’re probably accustomed to. You know the ones I’m talking about. They’re just an excuse to get away from your routine for two days so you can hang out with colleagues, goof off and spend half your time in the bar or the casino.
If that’s what you’re looking for, this is definitely NOT for you. During these two days, we’re going to roll up our sleeves and get to work on remaking your business. So you can make things happen for a change… instead of pissing away half of your time doing worthless free proposals.
In two intense days, I’m going to give you more potent, client getting/client managing “hacks”… and truly effective — and money getting — consulting tactics than you’ve EVER seen. Even if you’ve been in this business for decades.
You’re going to discover every aspect of what has been my #1 “key to the vault” for attracting, keeping, and getting lots of money from my clients.
If you qualify (yes, you have to go through an application process), here’s what our two days together will look like:
The first premise you absolutely MUST accept if you want my system to work for you is this…

Free Proposals SUCK!

And you will NEVER do them again.
Because this is what happens most of the time…
You agree to write up your proposal for the client as if you have an infinite amount of a resource called time. (Here’s a shocker… you DON’T.)
You do the research and all the work. Then when you follow up with the prospect, he usually says something like this:
“Geez, the proposal didn’t match the problem we wanted to solve. I’m not happy with it because, well, you know, it wasn’t exactly what we wanted. And there was a cost overrun… it didn’t meet the criteria we set… my cat ate the proposal…”
Yadda yadda yadda. Blah blah blah.
Haven’t you had enough of that crap?
Well if you’re ready for a change, we’re going to work together to make SURE you’re finally free from all that misery.
Instead, you’re going to do this entire process the best way.
MY way.
Instead of doing free proposals and needlessly giving away free consulting… all of which makes you look like a “Grade A” schmuck in the client’s eyes… and makes you FEEL like one, too…
I’m going to show you how to take control of the entire process by doing what I call a…

Discovery Process!

The point of doing a Discovery contract is this:
Whether you charge a dollar or $100,000 or more, you’re forcing the prospect to get serious about what the issue is he wants solved. If you don’t do that, and do it right from the very start… you end trying to guess at what your client wants.
You’ve now removed yourself from the category of trusted expert and lowered your status to that of a salesman trying to extract money.
A solution in search of a problem.
Your prospect has now mentally lumped in with all the other people pounding on his door every day. All the peddlers hawking toner, office supplies, ad space in the local newspaper, etc. All the annoying pests he ignores or shoos away every day.
And you can NEVER regain the position in his mind as trusted expert.
You can try all day long to baffle him with your brilliance and how your ideas can improve things… but his response will always be the same:
“Yeah, sounds great. Include that in the proposal.”
What you don’t know is that your prospect is leading you around by the nose, extracting all your best information, ideas and secrets.
And you’re riding the dream, thinking that this guy is going to eventually give you money because of all the “goodwill” you’re building by giving away all your best consulting for free.
And don’t you DARE think that your prospects don’t know this. They’re playing you! The game, the system is all rigged in their favor. And they’re using your hope of getting hired as a carrot they dangle in front of you to control and manipulate you.
Now for just a minute, put yourself in the prospect’s shoes. How would YOU react to a free proposal?
Do you view it as a solid plan of attack that’s going to solve all your problems?
Hell no! You view it for what it REALLY is…

A Disguised Sales Pitch!

Biased, subjective, and filled with fluff.
Furthermore, it’s just something the consultant came up with to get you to hire him. Your prospect probably even thinks it’s just a fill-in-the-blanks template you send out to all your prospects.
So how’s that working out for you?
The thing I consistently hear from almost all consultants… or anybody who works for free… is that they feel like they’re getting screwed.
Well, you ARE getting screwed! And in our two days together we’re going to put a stop to that IMMEDIATELY.
On the other hand, here’s what happens when you do things MY way.
First and foremost, you get your prospective client to make a commitment of three things:
  1. A commitment of money. (Unlike the free proposal process, they’re actually paying for the Discovery process.)
  2. A commitment of time. (Ever try to get a hold of someone after you delivered the proposal? Even worst if you emailed it.)
  3. A commitment of resources. (Do you need critical information from his staff, and all you get is the brush off?)
There are several reasons why I do it this way…
How many times have you done the free proposal process for a prospective client… and when you have questions they say, “No problem, send them to me in an email.”
And what does that produce?
A bunch of half-baked, half-assed and conflicting “fired from the hip” answers. You never get any TRUE clarity about anything.
Therefore your client thinks the proposal you produced looks like a bunch of half-baked, half-assed and conflicting bits and pieces of scattered information.
How well do you think that’s going to work out for you getting the gig?
When you do it my way, your prospect has a MUCH different mindset.
Because it says right in our agreement that I have access to their staff… I have access to their materials… and I have access to their resources. It is a condition of doing the deal. No more cloak and dagger. Because that’s what’s required to get the Discovery done most effectively and in a timely fashion.
Another big advantage to doing the Discovery process this way is that you can accurately gauge the level of URGENCY the client has for solving their problem. That means you’ll know how hot or cold they may be about hiring you after you submit the discovery report.
And if they’re not a hot prospect, no problem. You’ve already been paid… and paid quite well… for doing the Discovery process. Work you were previously doing for free.
One of the most life changing and business transforming breakthroughs you’re going to get from our two days together is…

How To Go From FREE To FEE!

I’m also going to help you fix another big mistake most consultants make.
They have no system for getting the correct information they need for the proposal. So no matter how much work you do on it… or what you do, write or say… the proposal will NEVER be correct, which makes YOU look incompetent.
Would you be willing to get on an airplane if the pilot didn’t have an exact checklist he went through before each flight? How safe would you feel if he was just “winging it” (pun intended) before every flight?
So why are you doing that with your clients?
Or… if you do have a checklist, I’d be willing to bet it’s missing the 5 crucial things you absolutely MUST know to get the highest fee… and continue to work with the client long term.
But don’t worry. You don’t have to fly blind any longer. I’m going to give you all of my proprietary checklists and templates. The exact documents I’ve used to consistently book 5-figure, 6-figure and 7-figure consulting deals year after year… for the past 33 years.
In essence, if you qualify, what you’ll get at this two-day event with me is…

A Glimpse Behind The Curtain Of A Very Successful Consulting Practice!

I’m going to reveal and present the most effective tactics that virtually none of the other consultants ever want to talk about openly.
Now, for the first time ever, these concealed, never-seen-before techniques will finally be brought out from behind the closed-door “insider only” meetings and into the light of day so YOU can benefit from them, too.
The same week I wrote this letter, I signed up one client to a discovery contract for $50,000. I also had a coaching client land a Discovery contract for $64,000. During our time together at this event, I’m going to peel back the curtain and reveal all the behind-the-scenes things that landed those two very recent contracts.
My friend and business partner, Perry Marshall has been hounding me for years to do this. But I kept refusing because I wasn’t ready to distill 33 years of using this contrarian system. But I’ve experienced several breakthroughs and paradigm shifts within the past 18 months that have finally allowed me to pull it off.
If you’re willing to implement my methods into your consulting practice… a system completely unknown to 96% of consultants… I promise these two days will make you more money than you can imagine at this point in your life right now.
Double your income? Ha! Child’s play!

How About 10x’ing Your Income?

Only with rare clients have I ever taught this system to anybody else. It took me three long years to do it and my clients each invested north of $50,000 to get my ongoing coaching.
One client, Mr. X, has since gone on to run his own 7-figure consulting business. And has a lifestyle that would be the envy of just about any Fortune 500 CEO. He lives in a multi-million-dollar home overlooking the ocean and probably works a grand total of less than 20 hours a week.
And the only thing that’s preventing YOU from doing the same is that you don’t know my system for doing it… yet.

If You’re Uncomfortable With The Idea Of Making A LOT Of Money… This Is NOT For You!

Listen, I’m not gonna put on my “guru hat” and sit cross-legged on the floor pontificating about the theory of how to attract, work with and keep clients. I don’t know about you but I can’t pay my mortgage with theory. Those suckers want real cash money.
So we’re not going to waste time doing magic money chants and standing in front of the mirror repeating affirmations.
There will be no theory at my event. Only practical and pragmatic “how to do it.” And how to do it right NOW.
I’ll leave all the theory dissertations and law of attraction mumbo jumbo to the Internet Marketing gurus and their dumb and deluded disciples.
You and I will only deal with REAL WORLD street-level, in-the-trenches stuff that’s been PROVEN TO WORK LIKE CRAZY for building an insanely successful consulting practice.

Definitely NOT For The “Rank & File!”

You see, I’m not exactly everybody’s cup of tea, or coffee, or Red Bull™.
Neither is this unique and contrarian system I developed for growing a successful consulting practice.
But the handful of people this event is right for will be able to grow their business faster than they ever imagined.
Because of the amount of time and energy I’m going to devote to each person in the room, registration is…

To Only 15 Attendees!

This isn’t one of those fake scarcity tactics you see from the IM guru hucksters.
There’s a very real limitation here… my time and energy.
I’m going to pour my heart and soul into the 9 lucky people I select for this event.
So much so (as my wife Becky is WELL too acquainted with) I’ll probably need to rest up for at LEAST two weeks afterwards, which for me would be a record.
So this limitation of only 9 attendees is VERY real.

WARNING: It’s Now Or Never…

This exact event will NEVER be repeated and never at this low price!
might release portions here and there to a few hand selected people already in my inner circle.
This won’t be turned into a do-it-at-home kit, and I have no plans whatsoever to publish and release ANY part of this event.
To anyone.
So if you feel that this is right for you, it would be incredibly poor judgment to wait and “think about it.”


I’ve seen a lot of the popular gurus cry “limited to only x people” then fudge on their limits and let in anybody willing to whip out their credit card.
But I don’t play those games.
This limit of only 9 attendees is absolutely, unconditionally and 100% completely carved in stone.
Others may be emotionally and/or practically unable to turn away dollars, no matter that taking it violates the promises they made.
Not me.
routinely turn away money and clients that aren’t right for me.
So when I say this once-in-a-lifetime event is limited to only 9 people, I’m as serious as a heart attack.
Don’t you DARE test me on this.
I imagine one of your most pressing questions is, if I actually am accepted…

“What’s The Investment To Attend This Event?”

Not cheap.
And there’s a very good reason for that.
I’m going to take you by the hand and show you, step-by-step, the exact system I’ve been testing and tweaking to perfection for 33 years…
… a system that can quickly build a 6-figure to 7-figure consulting practice for you.
At the risk of sounding over-the-top and full of hype, a system that can make every dream you desire come true.
So, of course, I simply can’t offer this cheap.
But compared to your potential return on investment, the fee to attend this intimate event with me is the screaming bargain of the century.
Look, if I had my druthers I’d charge at least $25,000 and want ongoing revenue for my efforts (long tail), for the opportunity. Because I only want to work with people who are serious… and are ready to get their head wrapped around a winning method… then actually DO it.
But, if you’re selected by me to attend, you’re not going to invest anywhere near $25,000.
The fee for this event is only $10,500.
I hope that investment isn’t a problem for you. But if it is, I can totally relate. In my journey as a consultant… before I figured out and perfected this system… I went through a lot of financial “down” periods.
So if coming up with $10,500 to attend this one-time-only event is a challenge, I can relate.
But knowing what I know now… if I were presented a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like this and I didn’t have the money… I would sell EVERYTHING I owned… and would even go into debt in order to attend this life-changing event.
I can look you in the straight in the eye and unequivocally, unwaveringly and undoubtedly tell you that it’s worth doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to attend this event.
THAT is how important this is to your financial future and success as a consultant.
And I’m so sure of it that I’m willing to put myself on the line and back up this offer with…

My Personally Backed, Ride Along Bonus!


To remove the risk, and assure your success I will be there with you for your first “real” deal. This means you will get support, help, and insight to increase your chances of winning that first deal. And it is a bonus to you. I charge $5,000 a day, so this alone is worth more than the price of the event. Plus you get access to me, which will set you on the road to incredible money. I know that no matter how hard you listen, study, and devote yourself, when it comes down to making it happen I will be able to give you the boost you need. Call this the implementation launch. (You have up to a year to cash in on this from the end of the seminar.)
If I accept you into my two-day program, I’m 100% totally committed to your success.
You’ll be given EVERYTHING YOU NEED to become as successful as you desire using my system.
How can I be so sure of this?
Because I’m the ONLY person on this planet capable of teaching this system.


You’ll need to fill out a brief application and pay a 100% refundable deposit of $500.
After you do that, you’ll be scheduled for a brief one-on-one phone call with me to see if you qualify.
(After we speak, every single cent of your deposit will be refunded immediately if either of us decides this event isn’t right for you.)
If you are accepted as one of my lucky 9 attendees, we’ll spend two days together in Las Vegas going over every single detail of my system… and adapting it to your consulting practice.
Because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my system WORKS… if you work it.
But if you’re expecting some kind of magic money button that will solve all your problems, then you have issues much deeper than I can help with. And this event is definitely NOT for you.

Here’s What You Need To Do Right Now…

Click here to apply for one of the 9 spots..
You’ll be asked to fill out a short application and pay a fully refundable deposit of $500.
(The deposit is a litmus test. It proves to me that you’re “for real” and worthy of my consideration for this one-time-ONLY event.)
Within 24 to 48 hours, my personal assistant will reach out to you by email to schedule a brief phone call or Skype with me to chat about why you want to attend this event.
If you and I both agree that this is a good fit for you, I’ll set aside one of the 9 spots for you and we’ll make arrangements for you to pay the remaining balance of $10,000.
If we decide this is not for you, I’ll bid you “Vaya con dios” and your deposit of $500 will be refunded immediately.
I absolutely INSIST that there be absolutely NO RISK on your part to explore if this opportunity is right for you

Let’s Wrap This Up And Put A Bow On It…

If you’re accepted into this two-day event with me in Las Vegas, you’ll be one of the lucky 9 people who will discover…
  • My complete system for building a high 6-figure or even 7-figure consulting practice…
  • How to NEVER AGAIN do another free proposal… or ever do any more free consulting as a way to get clients…
  • You’ll get hard copy “hold in your hand” examples of EVERYTHING I use to regularly close 6-figure and 7-figure consulting contracts…
  • A personal “hold you by the hand” walk-through from A-to-Z, showing you EXACTLY how to navigate my system with your prospects and clients… so you can land the BIG MONEY contracts like me…
  • All of my 20-plus-years of tested and proven templates and check lists you can use to close discovery contracts and consulting contracts for 5-figures, 6-figures and even 7-figures…
  • All the files, examples, documents, templates and check lists that I use will be delivered to you on your “Million Dollar USB Drive.” It’s all the proven materials I’ve been testing, tweaking and improving for 33 years. And they perform as consistently as a finely tuned Swiss watch to grow your consulting practice as quickly as possible.
  • Ride Along Bonus – working one on one with me to get that first deal closed.
You’ll get all that and MORE if you’re accepted as one of the 9 attendees at my one-time-ONLY event in Las Vegas.

But There’s A Caveat…

You’ll get EVERYTHING you need to start implementing this system in your business immediately.
On one condition…
You’ll have to sign an agreement that you will ONLY use these materials for your own consulting practice. You agree that you do NOT have permission to share or sell these materials with anyone.
Under any condition.
Once I have your word on that… and once we both agree that this is the right opportunity for you…

You’re In!

This is a rare opportunity. If it appeals to you, and you’re not afraid of it, you need to apply immediately.
But before you do, I need to tell you something…
I only want serious people. People as intensely committed to their success as I am.
If you’re not willing to commit to this… and willing to do whatever it takes to be successful with it… don’t bother applying.
If, on the other hand, you’re willing to invest the time, money and effort it takes to use my system to build a successful 6-figure… or even 7-figure consulting practice…
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
John Paul Mendocha
P.S. If you’re truly serious about implementing my winning system into your business as quickly as possible… and as smoothlyas possible… I’m also offering a 3rd bonus workshop day with me to build your own Discovery process.
It’s designed for those who SERIOUSLY want to implement this right away.
And when I say “right away” I mean it.
On this exclusive bonus day, I’m going to work with you one-on-one so you can IMMEDIATELY put everything into practice with your current clients… and any prospective clients you’ve been courting. (If you listen to me, you’ll probably close ALL of those prospective clients on a paid discovery contract.)
This day is all about YOU.
This bonus day is for you if you want my personal help setting up my proprietary system to operate in your business as quickly as possible.
Piece by piece, we’ll take apart your business and your existing client getting/client management strategies… and we’ll adapt my strategies and systems to fit into your current business.
In our time together during this 3rd bonus day, I’ll show you how to take apart and put back together this system blind folded.
This 3rd day is a concentrated, high-energy training that will “short cut” your way to proficiency and success with my system.
What’s the catch?
Because there’s so much hands on time with me, I simply MUST limit it to 4 people ONLY.
And it’s first-come-first-served.
So apply for a spot now…
If you’d like to attend the bonus day, when you fill out your application, check the box that says “Yes, I’d like to attend the bonus day for an additional $5,000. When we speak on the phone, we’ll chat about whether the bonus day is right for you or not.

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