Have You Spent Hundreds or Even Thousands of Dollars in Courses, Software and Info Products that Ended up not delivering on their promises?
In This Bonus Video I will Explain what the Failure Cycle is. Would You Like to know?
Failure is a Taboo Topic in most human endeavors. You will never read a book titled "How I Failed" or a Case Study of "Failure". No one will ever teach a course on Failure... nobody would buy it...
Most Guru's and Seminar Preachers will try to sell you on "Happy Happy Joy Joy" Business "Ideas"...
The Info Marketing Ghetto is Filled with:
-"Work from Home" -"Fire Your Boss" -"Follow my Exact Steps" -"Risk Free" -"Work 4 hours a Week" -"Ditch the Cubicle"
Have you heard this before?
If you are tired of Failing and Spending Money only to be disappointed, then maybe, just maybe, you are ready... if not, I suggest you keep drinking the Kool-aid.