POSITIONED TO WIN - 80% of Businesses Fail within the first 10 minutes... It just takes them 3-5 Years to Find Out.


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The Missing Number that Unlocks the Lock of Success

"Positioned to Win" 3 Objectives

  • Become Aware of the Importance of Positioning.
  • Understand How You Can Implement Positioning in Your Particular Case.
  • Using Positioning in the Digital World.

The Right Positioning is the difference between the Winners and the Losers.

Winning in Extraordinary Times BONUS Video

Which will you be?

Watch the Video, I am serious, watch it more than once. There are hidden gems that you can apply to your business, career, or life right away.

Positioning really is that powerful. 

If you are rolling your eyes by reading that, humor me.

I didn’t get it either when I first heard it, I thought that there was no way that it could be that simple. Really? 

Then finally one day it clicked. I realized that everything that had brought me success was because I had inadvertently  used Positioning in my favor, and every time that I had failed or  that client’s project had failed for example, was because we were fighting “Positioning” 

It is a brave new world of Technology, connectivity and information abundance. 

The good news is that anyone can do it.

The bad news is that anyone can do it,

If you want to start a business, if you want to promote an idea, a book or maybe you want to improve your career, you have at your disposal some of the most powerful tools to reach virtually the whole world.

But so does everyone else you are competing against. 

Positioning is how you can gain the advantage, the crucial advantage. In arguably the most important space in the marketplace.  That is, the minds of those that you want to influence, attract and acquire attention from. 

The race is on, those that get there first will have a huge edge, they would have gained the “Position” first. However all is not lost if you are not number 1 in your market though, IF and only IF you understand the rules of “Positioned to Win”  

Positioned to Win Sneak Peek. WEBINAR ZERO

Who is "Positioned to Win" for?

  • Entrepreneurs and Consultants who are not happy with where they are in their Business.
  • People who want to find a genuine "shortcut" to success in their career
  • Professionals that want to "stand out" to get promoted and make more money but can't seem to find out how.
  • Business Owners that feel overwhelmed by the competition who can afford to pay more in advertising.

What Are Students Saying About "Positioned to Win"?

Can you survive your original assumptions of business to find a way to really make money?”

John Paul Mendocha, Fortune 50 Turnaround Consultant and Entrepreneur