If you do nothing else, do this. It Starts with You.

13 POWERFUL Concepts... All in ONE WEBINAR

Play the Video to Hear More About "Positioned to Win" WEBINAR 0

"Positioned to Win" WEBINAR ZERO

13 Powerful Concepts

  • Why People Are Successful? Learn about Positioning
  • Changing Your Positioning: Why is it so Hard?
  • The Difference Between Goals & Opportunities
  • "See" the Invisible Doors right in front of you
  • Beware! The "Stalin Biography"
  • The Bad News that you do not want to believe are good news.
  • Play the Hand
  • BONUS 1: "The Failure Cycle"
  • The GBU Weekly Habit

When I came Back from Vegas and I had to start from scratch. No Degree, no Resume, no Track Record. Working for my Father... Times were Tough.

That was 1980. I Made $212

By 1983 I had convinced a company to move me to California, which led to me getting to 6 figures, which led to me getting stock, which led to becoming the first millionaire in my family.

How did I do it? I learned how to Positioned myself. Could have been a fluke, but since then I have helped others do the same. Now You can Learn How.

  • Entrepreneurs and Consultants who are not happy with where they are in their Business.
  • People who want to find a genuine "shortcut" to success in their career
  • Professionals that want to "stand out" to get promoted and make more money but can't seem to find out how.
  • Business Owners that feel overwhelmed by the competition who can afford to pay more in advertising.
  • People looking for the fastest way to have a real breakthrough perhaps through a career change or a pivot inside an industry.

WEBINAR ZERO is the first Webinar of our Program "Positioned to Win"

But we think it is such a cornerstone that we are offering people to attend only THIS one which is going to get them started in the path to success. No, I am not joking.

It is basically a JAM PACKED Program delivered in 4 parts in a Single Webinar.

You will get on Demand Access, watch it and rewatch it.

Can you survive your original assumptions of business to find a way to really make money?”

John Paul Mendocha, Fortune 50 Turnaround Consultant and Entrepreneur